Owners, shareholders and regulators alike expect more from the auditing and financial reporting of a business.

While it remains an important compliance measure that builds transparency and a complete picture of your financial position and regulatory obligations, it is also a foundation for robust future decisions and an indicator of exposure and risk areas.

Whether you’re legally obligated to undertake an audit or it is part of your best practice procedures or a milestone to pursue your strategic ambitions – no one audit is the same.

We use a single audit approach and methodology globally, which means we can offer you consistent, high quality services wherever you are in the world. Our audit process can help your business identify and resolve issues to streamline your business.

Find out more about how we can help

Accounting Advisory

Our accounting advisory team help businesses meet their complex financial reporting requirements. The team can support in applying new financial reporting standards, IFRS/ US GAAP conversions, financial statement preparation, consolidation and more.

Why Grant Thornton

At the heart of our approach is the belief that robust, independent audits identify the root causes of accounting issues. Based on this approach, we are focused on delivering tailored and effective recommendations to each client at the speed that matters, yours.