Doing business in Singapore
Doing business Doing business in Singapore
If you are planning on doing business in Singapore, this guide provides an overview of Singapore's investment environment. Learn more about common issues companies might face when expanding into Singapore and get insights on navigating the country's legal, accounting and tax landscape.
Tax facts 2021
Tax Tax facts 2021
A handy guide of Singapore Tax facts, to keep you up to date of the tax rates and conditions.
7 min read |
Mid-Market Companies Lower Growth Expectations Amid Falling Economic Optimism
Outlook Mid-Market Companies Lower Growth Expectations Amid Falling Economic Optimism
The world’s leading survey of mid-market companies, Grant Thornton’s IBR, once again provides vital insight into the health of the global mid-market. These results for H1 2019 reflect the views of nearly 5,000 mid-market companies across 30+ countries interviewed in May and June of this year.
What a trade war means for Asia Pacific businesses
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS REPORT What a trade war means for Asia Pacific businesses
Asia Pacific businesses are stuck in the middle of the US-China trade war. No matter how the conflict ends, trade patterns in the region are likely to change permanently and it will be those
The future of leadership: anticipating 2030
LEADERSHIP 2030 The future of leadership: anticipating 2030
The workplace is evolving. The leadership skills that will be needed within the dynamic mid-market, and how organisations can stay competitive is changing.
APAC's Aging Population - How businesses can drive growth in health and medtech
IBR APAC's Aging Population - How businesses can drive growth in health and medtech
Grant Thornton’s International Business Report (IBR) reveals that business leaders in the region view ageing as the most significant threat to their businesses over the next five years.
APAC businesses rally behind automation
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS REPORT (IBR) APAC businesses rally behind automation
According to our International Business Report (IBR), Asia Pacific businesses have an appetite for automation. What are the risks and opportunities at the heart of the automation revolution?
Record ASEAN business optimism
Despite a global downturn in business optimism, confidence is buoyant in ASEAN, reaching the highest level ever recorded by the IBR in Q2 2018.
Asia Pacific businesses split on economic outlook
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS REPORT (IBR) Asia Pacific businesses split on economic outlook
Business optimism across Asia Pacific is down from its recent peak in the first part of 2018, according to global research from Grant Thornton’s International Business Report (IBR).

Reactionary comments on the Singapore Budget 2022 from Grant Thornton

18 Feb 2022

Off the back of the Singapore Budget announcement by Finance Minister Mr Lawrence Wong, experts from Grant Thornton Singapore share their thoughts.