An overview of withholding tax

Withholding tax is generally a final tax where the income in question is not derived from the provision of services.

  • Filing and payment deadline
  • Range of tax rates
  • Filing and payment deadline
    Filing and payment deadline
    By 15th of the second month, following the date of payment to the non-resident
  • Range of tax rates
    Range of tax rates
    15% to 24%, depending on the nature of income (may be reduced under tax incentives or Tax Treaties)

Withholding tax rates by nature of income

  • Interest - 15%*
  • Dividends - NIL
  • Royalties - 10%*
  • Technical fees for services performed in Singapore - 17%
  • Management fee for services performed in Singapore - 17%
  • Rental or other payments for movable property - 15%*
  • Remuneration paid to non-resident director - 22%**
  • Professional fee - 15% on gross / 22% on net
  • Public entertainer - 15%/10%***
  • Charter fees (ships) - NIL
  • Charter fees (aircraft) - 0-2%

* These are final taxes for operations carried on outside Singapore. For operations carried on in Singapore, 17% will apply to non-resident non-individuals and 22% (24% from 1 January 2023) will apply to non-resident individuals.
** 24% from 1 January 2023
*** 10% applies for payment made between 22 February 2010 and 31 March 2022.

The following payments made to non-residents may be subject to withholding tax

  • Interest, commission or fees in connection with any loan or indebtedness
  • Royalty or other payments in one lump sum or otherwise for the use of, or the right to use, any movable property
  • Fees for the use of or the right to use scientific, technical, industrial or commercial knowledge or information, or for the rendering of assistance or service in connection with the application or use of such knowledge or information
  • Fees for the management or assistance in the management of any trade, business or profession
  • Rental or other payment for the use of any movable property
  • Remuneration paid to a non-resident director
  • Fees paid to a non-resident professional (other than an employee) for services rendered in Singapore
  • Proceeds from the sale of real property by a nonresident property trader
  • Fees paid to a non-resident public entertainer or athlete

Payments to the Singapore branch of a non-resident business are generally not subject to withholding tax.
However, the branch must include the income in its annual tax return.

A handy guide of Singapore Tax facts, to keep you up to date of the tax rates and conditions.